This n' That Amish Outlet
Company Description:
This n' That Amish Outlet began with a love for all things Pennsylvania Dutch. After multiple trips to Amish County, buying goods and seeing the pride and quality that was put into every product, we thought our local community would also appreciate the Amish workmanship just as much did. This n' That Amish Outlet opened in February 2012 with all outdoor structures. We began with stock structures like barns, sheds, garages and chicken coops. We now have an array of stock buildings as well as custom buildings. Our Amish craftsmen can build any structure to your specific needs to include but never limited to, roof line, materials, color and interior design.Once we began visiting the Lancaster area more and more, we found some of the most talented furniture makers in the area. After conversations with local Amish woodworkers, it was an obvious choice for us to extend our business to furniture.
The handmade quality of each piece of furniture is built to last the test of time. The craftsmanship is passed down from generation to generation and each piece is custom made per your specifications.
Since we started in 2012, our appreciation for all things Amish has grown into three locations. We currently are located in Winchester, Midland and two locations in Warrenton, Virginia. All of our retail stores carry a wide variety of Amish goods from home décor to homemade jams and jellies. We invite you to come visit us and share our respect for the tradition, quality, and craftsmanship of the Amish.
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